Granulomatous sebaceous adenitis (GSA) is uncommon in dogs; however, certain breed predilections exist. In this report, three cases of GSA in unrelated vizslas have been described. All cases initially presented with episodes of otitis externa followed by severe inner pinnal lesions. In one case, multifocal coalescing inner pinnal ulceration appeared 4 wk prior to the occurrence of the skin lesions. The other two cases presented with simultaneous pinnal and skin lesions following episodes of bilateral otitis. The pinnae were diffusely erythematous and had multiple coalescing erosions and ulcers. The body lesions consisted of multifocal alopecia, papules, and fine scales. Biopsies of the skin and pinnae confirmed GSA. Two dogs responded to treatment with synthetic retinoids and cyclosporin A, respectively. One dog was not treated, and the owners preferred euthanasia when the ear lesions recurred and did not respond to glucocorticoids. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, GSA with multifocal coalescing ulcerative pinnal lesions has not previously been reported.
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November/December 2011
Case Reports|
November 01 2011
Severe Ulcerative and Granulomatous Pinnal Lesions with Granulomatous Sebaceous Adenitis in Unrelated Vizslas
Gila Zur, DVM;
Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel (G.Z.); and Pathovet, Veterinary Diagnostic Service, Rehovot, Israel (A-M.B-A.).
Correspondence: [email protected] (G.Z.)
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Ana-Maria Botero-Anug, DVM, DVSc
Ana-Maria Botero-Anug, DVM, DVSc
Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel (G.Z.); and Pathovet, Veterinary Diagnostic Service, Rehovot, Israel (A-M.B-A.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2011) 47 (6): 455–460.
Gila Zur, Ana-Maria Botero-Anug; Severe Ulcerative and Granulomatous Pinnal Lesions with Granulomatous Sebaceous Adenitis in Unrelated Vizslas. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 November 2011; 47 (6): 455–460. doi:
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