A 6 yr old domestic longhair cat was evaluated for progressive weight loss, weakness, and dyspnea. Results of a physical examination and electrocardiogram were suggestive of cardiac disease. Thoracic radiographs revealed pleural effusion, which thoracocentesis revealed was consistent with chyle. An echocardiogram was performed, and aortic valve endocarditis with secondary aortic insufficiency was presumptively diagnosed. The cat was treated with broad-spectrum oral antibiotics and palliative cardiac medications. Two days after discharge, the cat's dyspnea returned, and it died suddenly. Histopathology and culture confirmed Pseudomonas bacterial endocarditis of the aortic valve. Bacterial endocarditis in the cat has rarely been reported in the literature. This case described heart failure and chylothorax resulting from bacterial endocarditis.

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