A 7 mo old intact female golden retriever was evaluated for acute vomiting. Abdominal radiographs revealed a possible gastric foreign body. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed an edematous, tubular antral mass, which on further evaluation was determined to be a pylorogastric intussusception based on radiographic, endoscopic, and surgical findings. Spontaneous resolution of the intussusception occurred upon surgical exploration of the abdomen. Histopathology of a full-thickness gastric biopsy revealed vascular congestion consistent with an intussusception, but did not indicate the primary cause. The dog recovered uneventfully from surgery and had no further vomiting during the 6 mo follow-up period. This case was significant as it was the first report of pylorogastric intussusception diagnosed using endoscopy. This description of the unique endoscopic appearance of pylorogastric intussusception will be useful for the veterinary endoscopist.

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