Four small-breed dogs were diagnosed with acquired Fanconi syndrome. All dogs ate varying amounts of chicken jerky treats. All dogs were examined for similar clinical signs that included, but were not limited to, lethargy, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, and altered thirst and urination. The quantity of chicken jerky consumed could not be determined; however, based on the histories obtained, the chicken jerky treats were a significant part of the diet and were consumed daily by all dogs. Extensive diagnostic testing eliminated other causes of the observed clinical signs, such as urinary tract infection and rickettsial disease. Glucosuria in the face of euglycemia or hypoglycemia, aminoaciduria, and metabolic acidosis confirmed the diagnosis of Fanconi syndrome. All dogs received supportive care, including IV fluids, antibiotics, gastroprotectants, and oral nutritional supplements. Three dogs exhibited complete resolution of glucosuria, proteinuria, and the associated azotemia; however, one dog remained azotemic, resulting in a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease.
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November 01 2011
Fanconi Syndrome in Four Non–Basenji Dogs Exposed to Chicken Jerky Treats
Ashley N. Hooper, DVM;
Ashley N. Hooper, DVM
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Department (B.R.), Veterinary Specialists of South Florida (A.H.), Cooper City, FL.
Correspondence: [email protected] (A.H.)
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Brian K. Roberts, DVM, DACVECC
Brian K. Roberts, DVM, DACVECC
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Department (B.R.), Veterinary Specialists of South Florida (A.H.), Cooper City, FL.
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2011) 47 (6): e178–e187.
Ashley N. Hooper, Brian K. Roberts; Fanconi Syndrome in Four Non–Basenji Dogs Exposed to Chicken Jerky Treats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 November 2011; 47 (6): e178–e187. doi:
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