The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to compare the efficacy of three patient warming devices (i.e., circulating water blanket, forced-air, and warming panels) used either alone or in combination on patients undergoing surgeries lasting >60 min. In total, 238 dogs were included and divided into either the celiotomy or nonceliotomy group. Dogs in each group were further divided into one of three subgroups. Dogs in subgroup 1 (n=39) were placed on a circulating water blanket with a forced-air warming blanket placed over the trunk. Subgroup 2 dogs (n=40) were placed on a forced-air warming blanket only. Subgroup 3 dogs (n=40) were placed on warming panels. Significant temperature drops occurred from time of induction (38.1°C±0.64°C) to the start of surgical procedures (36.7°C±0.95°C). Although body temperature was maintained once the warming units were started in all groups, there were significant differences in temperatures for the type of surgical procedures (i.e., celiotomies versus nonceliotomies) performed over time except for subgroup 3. The warming panels and forced-air devices were equally effective in preserving body temperature in anesthetized patients.

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