Cholangitis is a common inflammatory disorder of the biliary system in cats. There are two major forms based on the predominate type of inflammatory cell infiltrates: lymphocytic or neutrophilic. Ultrasound is a common imaging modality used in these patients. This retrospective study evaluated the ultrasound examinations of 26 cats with a histologic diagnosis of cholangitis. Most cats with cholangitis had sonographically normal liver size, echogenicity, and normal biliary systems. Statistically significant sonographic changes for cats with cholangitis included hyperechoic liver parenchyma, hyperechoic gallbladder contents, and increased pancreatic size. No statistically significant changes were noted to distinguish lymphocytic and neutrophilic forms of cholangitis. Cats with the sonographic features of diffuse liver hyperechogenicity, gallbladder contents and enlarged pancreas may suggest cholangitis.

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