This case describes the presentation and management of an 8 yr old phenotypically female intersex male dog presented for evaluation of a mass in the right inguinal region. The right inguinal space was surgically explored, and a large irregular mass resembling a fully developed testicle was identified in the right vaginal tunic. A second mass resembling an atrophied, but anatomically mature testicle, was identified in the left tunic. The larger mass was identified as a Sertoli cell tumor that had replaced all normal testicular tissue. The smaller mass was identified as a testicle that contained a small intratubular seminoma. The patient was diagnosed as having a phenotypic female sex, chromosomal male sex, and a gonadal male sex. Hormone assays completed before and after the gonadectomy and mass removal document an elevation of circulating progesterone presurgically that returned to baseline by 1 mo postsurgically. The source of the progesterone was identified to be the Leydig cells of the atrophied testicle.
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March/April 2012
Case Reports|
March 01 2012
Testicular Neoplasia in the Retained Testicles of an Intersex Male Dog
Aaron M. Herndon, DVM;
Aaron M. Herndon, DVM
Relief Veterinary Service, Keller, TX (A.H.); Section of Medical Genetics, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (M.C.); and Diagnostic Endocrinology, Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, College Station, TX (J.J.).
Correspondence: [email protected] (A.H.)
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Margret L. Casal,, PhD, DECAR;
Margret L. Casal,, PhD, DECAR
Relief Veterinary Service, Keller, TX (A.H.); Section of Medical Genetics, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (M.C.); and Diagnostic Endocrinology, Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, College Station, TX (J.J.).
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John T. (Scott) Jaques, MS, PhD
John T. (Scott) Jaques, MS, PhD
Relief Veterinary Service, Keller, TX (A.H.); Section of Medical Genetics, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (M.C.); and Diagnostic Endocrinology, Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, College Station, TX (J.J.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2012) 48 (2): 118–124.
Aaron M. Herndon, Margret L. Casal, John T. (Scott) Jaques; Testicular Neoplasia in the Retained Testicles of an Intersex Male Dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 March 2012; 48 (2): 118–124. doi:
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