In this retrospective study, radiographically enlarged sternal lymph nodes (LNs) were evaluated in 71 dogs and 13 cats for average size, location, and most representative radiographic view. Concurrent clinical diagnoses were also noted and grouped into one of three following categories: neoplastic, inflammatory, or hematologic. There were no statistically significant differences in LN size between lateral views within each species. Enlarged sternal LNs were more cranially positioned in dogs than cats. No statistical difference was noted between right and left laterals, as to on which projection the enlarged sterna lymph nodes was seen best. Neoplastic disease (78.9%) was the most prevalent condition seen in association with LN enlargement in dogs, followed by primary infectious or inflammatory diseases (14.1%) and various hematologic conditions (7.0%). In cats, neoplasia was also most common (69.2%), followed by inflammatory diseases (30.8%). No hematologic conditions were noted in cats. The most common etiologic agent seen concurrently with enlarged sternal LNs in both dogs (33.8%) and cats (38.5%) was malignant lymphoma. The results of this study provide a clinically useful representation of the average size and location of radiographically enlarged sternal LNs for dogs and cats. The diseases represented demonstrate the wide spectrum of potential causes of sternal lymphadenopathy.
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May/June 2012
Retrospective Studies|
May 01 2012
Radiographic Characterization of Enlarged Sternal Lymph Nodes in 71 Dogs and 13 Cats
Kelli Smith, DVM;
Kelli Smith, DVM
Department of Clinical Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
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Robert O'Brien, DVM, DACVR
Robert O'Brien, DVM, DACVR
Department of Clinical Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Correspondence: [email protected] (R.O.)
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2012) 48 (3): 176–181.
Kelli Smith, Robert O'Brien; Radiographic Characterization of Enlarged Sternal Lymph Nodes in 71 Dogs and 13 Cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 May 2012; 48 (3): 176–181. doi:
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