An 11 yr old spayed female Labrador retriever was diagnosed with a right adrenal tumor. At surgery, adhesions to the right kidney were dissected, allowing the right kidney to be preserved. The tumor showed extensive invasion into the suprarenal vena cava. It was felt that thrombus removal via venotomy could not be performed. Instead, the vena cava was ligated caudal to the liver and cranial to the right renal vein. The neoplastic gland was then excised en bloc together with the portion of the invaded caudal vena cava. Hind limb edema had developed preoperatively and increased transiently in the first days postoperatively. The animal was discharged 6 days postoperatively with no other clinical disorders, and hind limb edema resolved over time. Histopathology identified a pheochromocytoma. The dog died 49 mo later. A neoplastic thrombus of the vena cava may require venotomy to allow thrombus removal. Occasionally, removal of the thrombus by venotomy may prove impossible. In such a situation, en bloc removal of the concerned portion of the vena cava may be performed with a good long-term outcome provided that gradual occlusion of the vena cava by the thrombus has allowed time for collateral circulation to develop.
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September/October 2012
Case Reports|
September 01 2012
49-Month Survival Following Caval Venectomy Without Nephrectomy in a Dog with a Pheochromocytoma
Pierre J. Guillaumot, DrVet;
Pierre J. Guillaumot, DrVet
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
Correspondence: [email protected] (P.G.)
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Dominique Heripret, DrVet, DECVD;
Dominique Heripret, DrVet, DECVD
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
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Bernard M. Bouvy, MS, DrVet, DECVS, DACVS;
Bernard M. Bouvy, MS, DrVet, DECVS, DACVS
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
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Gilbert Christiaens, DrVet;
Gilbert Christiaens, DrVet
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
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Agnes Poujade, DrVet, DESV (Anatomie Pathologique);
Agnes Poujade, DrVet, DESV (Anatomie Pathologique)
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
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Maxence Delverdier, PhD, DrVet, DECVP;
Maxence Delverdier, PhD, DrVet, DECVP
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
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Cyrill Poncet, DrVet, DECVS
Cyrill Poncet, DrVet, DECVS
Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Service de Chirurgie, Arcueil, France (P.G., D.H., B.B., C.P.); Clinique Vétérinaire, St. Pathus, France (G.C.); Laboratoire d'anatomie Pathologique du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France (A.P.); and Unité d'Anatomie Pathologique, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (M.D.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2012) 48 (5): 352–358.
Pierre J. Guillaumot, Dominique Heripret, Bernard M. Bouvy, Gilbert Christiaens, Agnes Poujade, Maxence Delverdier, Cyrill Poncet; 49-Month Survival Following Caval Venectomy Without Nephrectomy in a Dog with a Pheochromocytoma. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2012; 48 (5): 352–358. doi:
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