A 3 yr old spayed female boxer weighing 22.8 kg was presented for severe, acute vomiting and tenesmus. Tachycardia, tachypnea, dehydration, and abdominal pain were present on physical examination. Abdominal radiographs showed a foreign object (golf ball) in the fundus of the stomach, and a larger, round, soft-tissue opacity mass in the region of the pylorus. Endoscopic removal of the foreign object was unsuccessful. A large soft-tissue mass (duodenogastric intussusception) was visualized with endoscopy, but was not correctly diagnosed until surgery. A midline exploratory celiotomy was performed and the duodenogastric intussusception was diagnosed and manually reduced. Severe pyloric wall edema and minimal bruising were present. A routine fundic gastrotomy was performed and the foreign object was removed. A right-sided incisional gastropexy and duodenopexy were performed in attempt to prevent recurrence of the intussusception. The dog was discharged from the hospital 38 hrs after surgery, and was normal on follow-up 1 yr after surgery. The dog in this report is the sixth documented case of duodenogastric/pylorogastric intussusception in the veterinary literature. This is the first reported case with a concurrent gastric foreign body and endoscopic visualization of the intussusception.

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