The medical records of two dogs that were diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) were reviewed. The reported clinical signs included intense pain when opening the mouth and restricted jaw movement. MRI detected widespread, symmetrical, and inhomogeneously hyperintense areas in the masticatory muscle. Electromyography (EMG) demonstrated severe and spontaneous pathologic activity in the temporal and masseter muscles. With early therapeutic treatment, remission of symptoms occurred within 2 mo, and no relapses were observed for the subsequent 2 yr. The gold standard for the diagnosis of MMM is the 2M antibody test, but the purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of MRI as an accurate and efficient diagnostic tool for the initiation of early therapy for the treatment of muscle myositis.
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September/October 2013
Case Reports|
September 01 2013
Use of MRI for the Early Diagnosis of Masticatory Muscle Myositis
Alberto Cauduro, DVM;
Alberto Cauduro, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Paolo Favole, DVM;
Paolo Favole, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Roberto M. Asperio, DVM;
Roberto M. Asperio, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Valeria Rossini, DVM;
Valeria Rossini, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Maurizio Dondi, DVM;
Maurizio Dondi, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Lucia A. Simonetto, DVM;
Lucia A. Simonetto, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Carlo Cantile, DVM;
Carlo Cantile, DVM
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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Valentina Lorenzo, DECVN
Valentina Lorenzo, DECVN
Associazione Professionale Neurovet, Legnano, Italy.
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2013) 49 (5): 347–352.
Alberto Cauduro, Paolo Favole, Roberto M. Asperio, Valeria Rossini, Maurizio Dondi, Lucia A. Simonetto, Carlo Cantile, Valentina Lorenzo; Use of MRI for the Early Diagnosis of Masticatory Muscle Myositis. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2013; 49 (5): 347–352. doi:
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