Although conventional treatment of dogs with osteosarcoma (OSA) by amputation and chemotherapy results in reported survival times (STs) of 262–413 days, no major improvements in STs have occurred in the past 2 decades. Suramin is a polysulfonated napthylurea, which at noncytotoxic concentrations in vitro, increases tumor sensitivity to chemotherapy, including doxorubicin. The study authors evaluated the combination of noncytotoxic suramin and doxorubicin after amputation in dogs with OSA. The hypothesis was that treatment of dogs with appendicular OSA with amputation, adjuvant doxorubicin, and noncytotoxic suramin would be well tolerated and result in STs at least comparable to those of doxorubicin alone. Forty-seven dogs received 6.75 mg/kg of suramin IV followed by 30 mg/m2 of doxorubicin IV 4 hr later. Treatment was repeated q 2 wk for five doses. The median disease free time (DFI) was 203 days (range, 42–1,580+ days) and the median ST for all dogs was 369 days (range, 92–1,616+ days). There was no statistical difference in ST and DFI between greyhounds and nonngreyhounds. Adjuvant doxorubicin and noncytotoxic suramin was well tolerated in dogs with OSA following amputation. Additional studies are needed to determine if this combination treatment protocol provides additional clinical benefit compared with doxorubicin alone.
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January/February 2014
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January 01 2014
Postoperative Adjuvant Combination Therapy with Doxorubicin and Noncytotoxic Suramin in Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma
Francisco J. Alvarez, MS, DVM, DACVIM;
Francisco J. Alvarez, MS, DVM, DACVIM
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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William Kisseberth, PhD, DVM, DACVIM;
William Kisseberth, PhD, DVM, DACVIM
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Kenji Hosoya, DVM, DACVR, DACVIM;
Kenji Hosoya, DVM, DACVR, DACVIM
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Ana Lara-Garcia, DVM DACVIM, MRCVS;
Ana Lara-Garcia, DVM DACVIM, MRCVS
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Carrie Kosarek, DVM, DACVIM;
Carrie Kosarek, DVM, DACVIM
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Sridhar Murahari, PhD;
Sridhar Murahari, PhD
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Jessie L-S. Au, PhD, PharmD;
Jessie L-S. Au, PhD, PharmD
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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M. Guillaume Wientjes, PhD;
M. Guillaume Wientjes, PhD
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Jason Couto;
Jason Couto
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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Guillermo Couto, DVM, DACVIM
Guillermo Couto, DVM, DACVIM
Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Coral Springs, FL (F.A.); College of Veterinary Medicine (W.K., S.M., J.C., G.C.) and College of Pharmacy (J.A., M.W.), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (K.H.); University of London, Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom (A.L-G.); Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL (C.K.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2014) 50 (1): 12–18.
Francisco J. Alvarez, William Kisseberth, Kenji Hosoya, Ana Lara-Garcia, Carrie Kosarek, Sridhar Murahari, Jessie L-S. Au, M. Guillaume Wientjes, Jason Couto, Guillermo Couto; Postoperative Adjuvant Combination Therapy with Doxorubicin and Noncytotoxic Suramin in Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 January 2014; 50 (1): 12–18. doi:
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