A 4 yr old castrated male Jack Russell terrier was presented with a 2 mo history of vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss. Abdominal radiographs and ultrasound supported the diagnosis of gastric outflow obstruction. Celiotomy and gastrotomy revealed a large, narrowly based mass originating from the mucosa of the dorsal gastric body, occupying the lumen of the stomach and protruding through the pylorus into the duodenum. A partial gastrectomy was performed to excise the mass along with a 1 cm margin of grossly normal tissue. Giant hypertrophic gastritis was diagnosed via histopathology of the excised tissue. Giant hypertrophic gastritis is a rarely diagnosed disease of canines, characterized by giant gastric folds, hypoalbuminemia, and mucosal hypertrophy. Long-term treatment success has not been previously reported. In the case described herein, surgical excision of the affected gastric tissue provided complete resolution of clinical signs. Twelve mo following surgery, no recurrence of either vomiting or weight loss had been noted and the dog was clinically normal.

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