An image-guided robotic stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) system can be used to deliver curative-intent radiation in either single fraction or hypofractionated doses. Medical records for 19 dogs with nonlymphomatous nasal tumors treated with hypofractionated image-guided robotic stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), either with or without adjunctive treatment, were retrospectively analyzed for survival and prognostic factors. Median survival time (MST) was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier survival curves. Age, breed, tumor type, stage, tumor size, prescribed radiation dose, and heterogeneity index were analyzed for prognostic significance. Dogs were treated with three consecutive-day, 8–12 gray (Gy) fractions of image-guided robotic SBRT. Overall MST was 399 days. No significant prognostic factors were identified. Acute side effects were rare and mild. Late side effects included one dog with an oronasal fistula and six dogs with seizures. In three of six dogs, seizures were a presenting complaint prior to SBRT. The cause of seizures in the remaining three dogs could not be definitively determined due to lack of follow-up computed tomography (CT) imaging. The seizures could have been related to either progression of disease or late radiation effect. Results indicate that image-guided robotic SBRT, either with or without adjunctive therapy, for canine nonlymphomatous nasal tumors provides comparable survival times (STs) to daily fractionated megavoltage radiation with fewer required fractions and fewer acute side effects.

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