Treatment for hemorrhagic shock secondary to a spontaneous hemoperitoneum includes restoration of IV volume and surgical control of hemorrhage. This study was designed to determine if limited fluid volume resuscitation (LFVR) with hypertonic saline (HS) and hyperoncotic fluids (hydroxyethylstarch [HES]) results in more rapid cardiovascular stabilization in dogs with spontaneous hemoperitoneum versus conventional resuscitation (CR) with large volume resuscitation. Eighteen client-owned dogs presenting in hemorrhagic shock with a spontaneous hemoperitoneum were enrolled. Dogs were randomized to be fluid resuscitated with up to 90 mL/kg of an isotonic crystalloid (CR group) or up to 8 mL/kg of 7.2% Na chloride (i.e., HS) combined with up to 10 mL/kg of 6% HES. Measurements of vital signs, lactate, packed cell volume (PCV), total solids (TS), and blood pressure were made at standard time points. The primary end point was time to stabilization of hemodynamic parameters (measured in min). Dogs in the LFVR group achieved hemodynamic stabilization significantly faster (20 min; range, 10–25 min) than those in the CR group (35 min; range, 15–50 min; P = .027). Future studies are warranted to further investigate potential benefits associated with LFVR in dogs with spontaneous hemoperitoneum.
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May/June 2014
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May 01 2014
A Pilot Comparison of Limited Versus Large Fluid Volume Resuscitation in Canine Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum
Tara N. Hammond, DVM, DACVECC;
Department of Emergency/Critical Care, Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties, Walpole, MA (T.H.); and the Department of Emergency and Critical Care, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, MA (C.S.); and Regional Medical Director/Central VCA Animal Hospitals, Los Angeles, CA (J.H.).
Correspondence: [email protected] (T.H.)
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Jennifer L. Holm, DVM, DACVECC;
Jennifer L. Holm, DVM, DACVECC
Department of Emergency/Critical Care, Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties, Walpole, MA (T.H.); and the Department of Emergency and Critical Care, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, MA (C.S.); and Regional Medical Director/Central VCA Animal Hospitals, Los Angeles, CA (J.H.).
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Claire R. Sharp, BVMS, DACVECC
Claire R. Sharp, BVMS, DACVECC
Department of Emergency/Critical Care, Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties, Walpole, MA (T.H.); and the Department of Emergency and Critical Care, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, MA (C.S.); and Regional Medical Director/Central VCA Animal Hospitals, Los Angeles, CA (J.H.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2014) 50 (3): 159–166.
Tara N. Hammond, Jennifer L. Holm, Claire R. Sharp; A Pilot Comparison of Limited Versus Large Fluid Volume Resuscitation in Canine Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 May 2014; 50 (3): 159–166. doi:
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