The records of nine female intact dogs with histologically confirmed uterine tumors were reviewed retrospectively, and the related radiographic and ultrasonographic signs of the lesions detected were recorded. Radiography revealed a soft-tissue opacity between the urinary bladder and colon in six of seven dogs with uterine body and/or cervical tumors, and a soft-tissue opacity in the midventral abdomen in two dogs with uterine horn tumors. Ultrasonography revealed masses in all dogs with uterine body/cervical tumors and could delineate the origin of the mass in one of two dogs with uterine horn tumors. The mass was characterized ultrasonographically as solid in three dogs (all leiomyomas), solid with cystic component in four dogs (two adenocarcinomas, one leiomyoma, and one fibroleiomyoma), and cystic in two (both leiomyomas). Hyperechoic foci in the mass were observed in three dogs. Ultrasonography was a useful method for demonstrating uterine body and/or cervical tumors. However, it was not possible to ascertain sonographically that a mass originated in a uterine horn unless there was associated evidence of uterine horn to which the mass could be traced. The ultrasonographic appearance of uterine tumors was variable, and the type of neoplasm could only be determined by taking biopsies of the mass.
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September/October 2014
Retrospective Studies|
September 01 2014
Radiographic and Ultrasonographic Findings of Uterine Neoplasms in Nine Dogs
Michail Patsikas, PhD, DVM, MD, DECVDI;
Michail Patsikas, PhD, DVM, MD, DECVDI
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Lysimachos G. Papazoglou, PhD, DVM, MRCVS;
Lysimachos G. Papazoglou, PhD, DVM, MRCVS
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Samuel Jakovljevic, DVM, DVR, DECVDI, MRCVS;
Samuel Jakovljevic, DVM, DVR, DECVDI, MRCVS
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Nikolaos G. Papaioannou, PhD, DVM;
Nikolaos G. Papaioannou, PhD, DVM
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Paraskevi L. Papadopoulou, PhD, DVM;
Paraskevi L. Papadopoulou, PhD, DVM
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Christina B. Soultani, DVM;
Christina B. Soultani, DVM
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Ioannis A. Chryssogonidis, PhD, MD;
Ioannis A. Chryssogonidis, PhD, MD
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Konstantinos A. Kouskouras, PhD, MD;
Konstantinos A. Kouskouras, PhD, MD
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Nikolaos E. Tziris, PhD, MD;
Nikolaos E. Tziris, PhD, MD
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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Afroditi A. Charitanti, PhD, MD
Afroditi A. Charitanti, PhD, MD
School of Veterinary Medicine (M.P., L.P., N.P., P.P., C.S.) and School of Medicine (I.C., K.K., N.T., A.C.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; and Dick White Referrals Ltd., New Market, UK (S.J.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2014) 50 (5): 330–337.
Michail Patsikas, Lysimachos G. Papazoglou, Samuel Jakovljevic, Nikolaos G. Papaioannou, Paraskevi L. Papadopoulou, Christina B. Soultani, Ioannis A. Chryssogonidis, Konstantinos A. Kouskouras, Nikolaos E. Tziris, Afroditi A. Charitanti; Radiographic and Ultrasonographic Findings of Uterine Neoplasms in Nine Dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2014; 50 (5): 330–337. doi:
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