A 2 yr old spayed female mixed-breed Irish wolfhound was referred for assessment of anemia and slowly progressing abdominal distention. At the time of admission, the dog had marked anemia and thrombocytosis, a decreased serum iron concentration, and a normal coagulation profile. An ultrasound examination showed a massive fluid-filled cavitated structure in the abdominal cavity. Paracentesis of that structure yielded a large amount of hemorrhagic fluid with an iron concentration >24 times greater than the serum iron concentration, consistent with chronic sequestration of iron, leading to iron-deficiency anemia. Blood transfusions and incomplete surgical removal of the structure allowed short-term stabilization of the patient, but the dog was euthanized 17 days postsurgery for lethargy and continued abdominal distention. Histopathological evaluation of the structure was consistent with a chronic expanding hematoma. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of intra-abdominal chronic expanding hematoma in a dog. It is also unique given its features of iron-deficiency anemia caused by internal blood loss.
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September/October 2014
Case Reports|
September 01 2014
Abdominal Chronic Expanding Hematoma Causing Iron-Deficiency Anemia in a Dog
Lionel Sebbag, Dr.med.vet.;
Lionel Sebbag, Dr.med.vet.
Veterinary Health Center (L.S., K.H., A.H., T.L.) and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (S.G.), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
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Kenneth R. Harkin, DVM, DACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine);
Veterinary Health Center (L.S., K.H., A.H., T.L.) and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (S.G.), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Correspondence: [email protected] (K.H.)
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Allison Habekost, DVM;
Allison Habekost, DVM
Veterinary Health Center (L.S., K.H., A.H., T.L.) and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (S.G.), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
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Sanjeev Gumber, BVSc, MVSc, PhD, DACVP;
Sanjeev Gumber, BVSc, MVSc, PhD, DACVP
Veterinary Health Center (L.S., K.H., A.H., T.L.) and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (S.G.), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
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Tiffany Lee, DVM
Tiffany Lee, DVM
Veterinary Health Center (L.S., K.H., A.H., T.L.) and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (S.G.), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2014) 50 (5): 350–355.
Lionel Sebbag, Kenneth R. Harkin, Allison Habekost, Sanjeev Gumber, Tiffany Lee; Abdominal Chronic Expanding Hematoma Causing Iron-Deficiency Anemia in a Dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2014; 50 (5): 350–355. doi: https://doi.org/10.5326/JAAHA-MS-6045
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