A 7 yr old, neutered male Japanese chin presented to the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University (CSVMTU) for evaluation of chronic unilateral orbital swelling that worsened following an episode of respiratory distress. The left eye had been enucleated 5 yr previously. Intermittent mild-to-moderate left orbital swelling had been noted by the owner since the initial surgery. Examination demonstrated a moderate-to-severe, soft, fluctuant swelling involving the left orbit with erythema of the overlying skin. Crepitus was noted over the occipital tuberosity. Computed tomography revealed a large volume of gas involving the left orbit. The gas extended caudally within the subcutaneous tissues to both hemimandibles, dorsal to the cranium, and partially surrounded the cranial neck. The presence of a mucosa-lined, air-filled space with a patent nasolacrimal duct was noted on orbital exploration. The lining was removed and the duct closed. Histopathology confirmed the presence of an epithelial lining. No recurrence of the swelling was observed on examination 8 wk after surgery. This is the first report documenting acute worsening of orbital swelling following an episode of respiratory distress. This case highlights the importance of addressing the nasolacrimal duct while performing an enculeation in a brachycephalic dog.

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