Septic peritonitis is a relatively common condition in the veterinary intensive care unit, with a classically high mortality rate. Early enteral nutrition (EEN) in critically ill humans can lead to improved outcome. This study was performed to determine the safety of early postoperative feeding in canine septic peritonitis. In this retrospective case series, 56 dogs were identified. Sixteen dogs received EEN, defined as nutrition within 24 hr of surgery; 27 received late enteral nutrition (LEN) defined as nutrition more than 24 hours following surgery; and 13 dogs had no enteral nutrition in hospital (NEN). Signalment, physical examination findings, and occurrence of pre-admission vomiting, regurgitation, and length of anorexia were the same amongst all groups. There was no significant difference in the number of gastrointestinal complications postoperatively between the EEN, LEN, and NEN groups or in the occurrence of vomiting/regurgitation postoperatively compared to preoperatively. There was no difference in the length of hospitalization between any group, although fewer dogs in the NEN group survived compared to the EEN/LEN combined group (46% [6/13] versus 81% [37/40]). This study indicates it is safe to initiate EEN without additional risk of gastrointestinal complications. Prospective studies are needed to evaluate the potential benefits of EEN in dogs with septic peritonitis.