The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of a hand-held otoacoustic emissions screener to detect deafness in puppies. Specifically, distortion product otoacoustic emissions were recorded from 34 puppies (both sexes) of a variety of breeds, from 6–10 wk of age, and the results were compared to brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAER) recorded from the same puppies. Recordings were obtained from both ears in awake or lightly anesthetized puppies, and the results from each ear were compared. In all 62 ears that had normal BAERs, the distortion product otoacoustic emissions screener gave a response of “Pass.” The three puppies that had flat BAER recordings in one or both ears provided a screener result of “Refer.” In two ears with unusual BAERs (waveforms with reduced amplitudes and prolonged latencies) and a “Refer” response from the screener, there was compacted debris in one external ear canal, and the other ear canal was normal. The screener technology has proven application in human infants and is an attractive alternative to BAER testing in puppies because of expense and ease of use.