A 9 mo old female intact English mastiff (case 1) presented for anorexia and vomiting for 7 days. A 7 mo old male castrated American bulldog (case 2) presented for vomiting and anorexia for 2 days without diarrhea. Both dogs were diagnosed with mesenteric volvulus based on exploratory laparotomy, which also revealed an intestinal foreign body obstruction. Case 1 required critical care support during recovery but was ultimately discharged, whereas case 2 had an uncomplicated recovery. Both were reported to be back to normal 1 wk after surgery. Case 1 survived 3 mo and then died due to a colonic torsion diagnosed by exploratory laparotomy. Case 2 has been reported to be completely normal more than 18 mo after surgery. These two cases illustrate that mesenteric volvulus can be present with a several-day history of gastrointestinal signs and that shock may be absent on presentation. This is also the first published report of mesenteric volvulus with a concurrent foreign body obstruction.