Initial and maximum intraluminal leak pressures of four enterotomy closures were compared. Closure patterns included a modified Gambee, simple interrupted, simple continuous, and skin staple closure. Forty-eight 3-cm enterotomy constructs were created from jejunal segments harvested from 12 dogs. Twelve each were randomly assigned to the four closure methods. Time of closure, as well as initial and maximum leak pressures, were measured and compared. The modified Gambee closure was the slowest closure to perform, with skin staple closure being the fastest. All suture patterns tested had higher mean initial leak pressures than reported physiologic intestinal pressures during peristalsis, although the skin staple closures resulted in leakage below normal physiologic pressure in several samples. The modified Gambee closure was able to sustain a significantly higher initial leak pressure than skin staple closures. The modified Gambee suture pattern had the greatest maximum leak pressure of all enterotomy closure patterns tested. Use of the modified Gambee suture pattern should be considered in enterotomy closure, although in vivo studies are required to determine if these differences are clinically significant.

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