Perineal hernia refers to the failure of the muscular pelvic diaphragm to support the rectal wall, resulting in herniation of pelvic and, occasionally, abdominal viscera into the subcutaneous perineal region. The proposed causes of pelvic diaphragm weakness include tenesmus associated with chronic prostatic disease or constipation, myopathy, rectal abnormalities, and gonadal hormonal imbalances. The most common presentation of perineal hernia in dogs is a unilateral or bilateral nonpainful swelling of the perineum. Clinical signs do occur, but not always. Clinical signs may include constipation, obstipation, dyschezia, tenesmus, rectal prolapse, stranguria, or anuria. The definitive diagnosis of perineal hernia is based on clinical signs and findings of weak pelvic diaphragm musculature during a digital rectal examination. In dogs, perineal hernias are mostly treated by surgical intervention. Appositional herniorrhaphy is sometimes difficult to perform as the levator ani and coccygeus muscles are atrophied and unsuitable for use. Internal obturator muscle transposition is the most commonly used technique. Additional techniques include superficial gluteal and semitendinosus muscle transposition, in addition to the use of synthetic implants and biomaterials. Pexy techniques may be used to prevent rectal prolapse and bladder and prostate gland displacement. Postoperative care involves analgesics, antibiotics, a low-residue diet, and stool softeners.

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