An 11 yr old female spayed golden retriever weighing 30.3 kg presented for evaluation of progressive lethargy, anorexia, tachypnea, stiff gait, and nonlocalized pain. On physical exam, the patient was febrile and tachycardic, and an arrhythmia with pulse deficits was noted. Clinicopathological abnormalities included thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, nonregenerative anemia, and mild hypoalbuminemia. The patient progressed overnight to develop a productive cough, and an echocardiogram performed the next morning revealed irregular proliferative lesions of the pulmonic valve with moderate pulmonic regurgitation. Subsequent blood cultures grew two organisms: alpha-hemolytic streptococci spp. and Empedobacter brevis. The dog was treated with appropriate intravenous antibiotics for 2 wk and then switched to oral therapy. The clinicopathologic abnormalities, fever, and clinical signs resolved with oral antibiotic treatment. To the authors' knowledge, this case report represents the first detailed published case of bacterial endocarditis with E brevis bacteremia involving the pulmonic valve. The clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up are discussed.