No standardized treatment guidelines are reported in veterinary medicine for dogs with large pituitary corticotroph neoplasms causing neurological signs, and such dogs usually have a short overall survival. When these dogs undergo pituitary surgery and the tumor regrows there are few reports of subsequent treatments.

A 7 yr old male Maltese diagnosed with pituitary-dependent hypercortisolism developed seizures in conjunction with a large pituitary corticotroph adenoma and underwent transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. After 3 yr of clinical remission, hypercortisolism recurred, and trilostane therapy was initiated. One year later, the dog developed new neurological signs and computed tomography revealed regrowth of a large pituitary mass that was then treated with radiation therapy. The dog lived disease-free for 3 more yr. At postmortem examination, a more aggressive pituitary neoplasm than the one examined at the time of surgery was found, which is suggestive of malignant transformation into a carcinoma despite the absence of convincing metastasis.

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