The aim of this study was to describe the anatomic locations and treatments available for deeply located vegetal foreign bodies in cats. Ten cases of migrating vegetal foreign bodies (vFBs) requiring surgical removal are reported. The diagnoses of vFBs in the thoracic cavity (4/10), retroperitoneal space (2/10), and paratracheal region (1/10) were obtained by ultrasound examination; however, in the perineum or penile urethra (2/10) and peritoneum (1/10), the vFBs were found during surgery. Intraoperative ultrasound guidance helped remove vFBs from the retroperitoneal space and paratracheal tissues. Clinical signs resolved in 8 out of 10 cases, 1 out of 10 cases had recurrent draining fistula, and 1 out of 10 was euthanized for ethical reasons. The intrathoracic was the most common location in the present study, followed by retroperitoneal space and urethra/perineum. Ultrasound guidance was essential for the diagnosis and/or treatment of vFBs located in the thoracic, retroperitoneal, and cervical regions.

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