An 8 yr old spayed female domestic shorthair and an 8 yr old neutered male Polish Lowland sheepdog were evaluated for a 3 wk history of sneezing and a 5 day history of left epistaxis, respectively. In both cases, computed tomography revealed a voluminous nasal mass, which was later histologically identified as carcinoma, without cribriform plate involvement. Nasal hydropulsion was performed in both animals in sternal recumbency under general anesthesia. A Poole suction tip was inserted into the orad esophageal opening and adequacy of the endotracheal tube cuff inflation was checked. Sterile saline was forcefully infused into the obstructed nasal cavity to dislodge the tumor. Both patients had temporary resolution of clinical signs. Nasal hydropulsion was repeated as a palliative last-resort treatment at each clinical relapse (four times in both animals over ≥1 yr), allowing long-term survival. Minor complications included a self-limiting retrobulbar and oropharyngeal swelling in the cat and self-limiting epistaxis in both animals. Although this technique is not intended to represent an equivalent alternative to radiation or surgical therapies, nasal hydropulsion may represent an appropriate palliative, last-resort treatment in case of obstructive nasal tumors in dogs and cats, when radiation therapy or surgery is not affordable, available, or desired.