A 5 yr old male British blue shorthair cat was presented collapsed with hypotension, hypothermia, and cranial abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasound and abdominocentesis revealed hemoperitoneum and a suspected hepatic mass. Cytology of fine-needle aspirates of the mass was inconclusive, so exploratory celiotomy was performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. An enlarged, hemorrhagic papillary process of the caudate lobe was identified, with twisting of the vasculature at the hilus, so a complete lobectomy was performed using a thoracoabdominal stapler. Histopathology was consistent with liver lobe torsion with no evidence of hepatocellular neoplasia identified. This report describes the first case of hemoperitoneum secondary to liver lobe torsion without evidence of hepatocellular neoplasia in a cat and demonstrates a successful outcome following surgical management with liver lobectomy.