A 17 wk old sexually intact female domestic shorthair kitten presented for an anogenital cleft and enlarged colon. The cat had experienced bacterial cystitis and constipation since weaning. Contrast referral images revealed an enlarged colon with a patent anus. Clinical examination revealed an anogenital cleft with a common anovulvar orifice. The rectum was patent upon digital rectal palpation, and fecal contamination of the vulva was present. Abdominal radiographs revealed two distinct colons, both filled with a moderate amount of formed fecal material. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed segmental duplication of the descending colon with a dominant right colon and a smaller accessary left colon. The two structures conjoined at the transverse colon proximally and at the pubic brim distally. A common anogenital orifice with anovulvar communication was also noted. The anogenital cleft malformation was successfully repaired surgically. A celiotomy was performed to remove the smaller accessory colon. An ovariectomy and partial hysterectomy were also performed. The patient recovered uneventfully and showed no gross evidence of recurrent cystitis or urinary or fecal incontinence postoperatively. This is believed to be the first report of a congenital anogenital cleft and complete communicating colonic duplication in a cat.