An 11 yr old male Drahthaar dog was presented for dysuria, pollakiuria, and history of uroliths. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a subcapsular fluid-filled lesion of the left kidney, suspected cholecystitis, and a splenic infarct. The renal lesion was fully drained and cytology of the renal subcapsular and perirenal fluids revealed septic exudate. Bacterial culture of the urine, bile, and perirenal and subcapsular fluids were all positive for Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Antimicrobial therapy was instituted based on culture sensitivity. After 7 days the dog re-presented for vomiting and abdominal pain, and a focal intestinal injury was suspected based on abdominal ultrasound. Enterectomy of an ischemic jejunal loop, a partial splenectomy, and excision of the left renal subcapsular abscess were performed. The renal parenchyma was left intact. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of a renal subcapsular abscess, intestinal infarction, and focal pyogranulomatous splenitis. Cholecystitis was confirmed by bile cytology and culture. No major complications and no recurrences were encountered at 1 yr follow-up. This is the first report of a renal subcapsular abscess in the dog, with septic complications, and treated with a kidney-sparing surgery.

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