Gorilla Glue contains methylene diphenyl diisocyanate that expands significantly and hardens once exposed to moisture. Case reports of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate glue ingestion in dogs document gastrointestinal foreign body formation and mechanical obstruction. Medical record queries from four veterinary hospitals identified 22 dogs with Gorilla Glue ingestion. Records were evaluated retrospectively to characterize clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, treatment, and patient outcome. Vomiting was the most common clinical sign (n = 11), with a median time from ingestion to presentation of 42 hr. Abnormal abdominal palpation (e.g., pain) was the most reported examination finding (n = 13). Radiographs were performed in 18/22 dogs, with Gorilla Glue expansion described as granular or mottled soft tissue with gas in the stomach. In 73% (11/15) of dogs requiring surgery, history, clinical findings, and survey abdominal radiographs sufficed to proceed with celiotomy. Surgical removal of the Gorilla Glue foreign body was performed via gastrotomy (n = 14) or gastrotomy and duodenotomy (n = 1). Endoscopic removal was performed in one dog. One dog with suspected mechanical obstruction was euthanized owing to financial constraints. Remaining cases were managed conservatively (n = 5). Short-term prognosis following appropriate fluid therapy and surgical or endoscopic removal was very good.

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