We compared laboratory parameters from central venous catheters using multiple presample volumes (PSVs) to venipuncture values. Blood was obtained from dogs for a venous blood gas, packed red blood cell volume (PCV), total solids (TS), and a coagulation panel. Blood was drawn both by venipuncture and from the catheter (using PSVs 300%, 600%, and 1200% of the dead space volume). Twenty dogs were enrolled. Venipuncture values were significantly higher than those obtained from the catheter for PCV (300% [P = .007], 600% [P = .005], and 1200% [P = .02]), TS (300% [P = .006] and 600% [P = .04]), and lactate (600% [P = .04] and 1200% [P = .01]). Venipuncture values were significantly lower than those obtained from a catheter for pH (1200% [P = .008]) and chloride (300% [P = .04], 600% [P = .003], and 1200% [P = .03]). An increase was found in prothrombin time in samples drawn with 600% PSV compared with 1200% (P = .008). The PCV and TS are diluted when smaller PSVs are used. A 1200% PSV best approximated the PCV and TS obtained by venipuncture. A 300% PSV may be adequate to evaluate coagulation and venous blood gas values.