Intrapelvic hemangiosarcoma (IP HSA) is an uncommon primary location of canine HSA, and its presentation appears to be different than that of other intra-abdominal HSA locations. The objectives of this study were to report on the clinical presentation, diagnostic options, and clinical outcomes of dogs with IP HSA. Medical records from two veterinary teaching hospitals between 2000 and 2019 were reviewed for dogs diagnosed with IP HSA. Inclusion criteria consisted of a cytologic or histopathologic diagnosis of HSA from a mass arising from the muscles of the pelvic canal. Exclusion criteria included masses arising from organs within the pelvic canal, including the urethra, prostate, and urinary bladder. Twelve dogs were ultimately included in the study. Clinical presentation of IP HSA was varied, with clinical signs including hindlimb lameness, urethral obstruction, and evidence of hemoperitoneum. The median progression free survival was 92 days (range: 1–1057 days). The overall survival time was 165 days (range: 1–1170 days). IP HSA is an underreported location of canine HSA with similar biologic behavior and outcome compared with visceral HSA. It serves as an important differential in patients presenting with new-onset lameness and urethral obstruction.