Owners of dogs with ocular issues often suspect their pet’s eye problems are linked to recent grooming visits. A medical records search was performed to identify dogs presenting with ocular complaints initially noted within 24 hr of a commercial grooming appointment. Data collected included signalment, type of injury, treatment, and notations regarding behavioral issues potentially contributing to injury. One hundred sixty-one episodes involving 159 dogs were identified. Male dogs accounted for 57% of episodes. Median age at presentation was 59 mo. Shih tzu were involved in 34% of incidents, and 71% involved small-breed dogs. Aggressive or reactive behaviors were reported in 33% of dogs. Corneal ulceration was the most common injury (71% of incidents), followed by conjunctivitis (11%), eyelid lacerations (7%), and subconjunctival hemorrhage (6%). Surgical management was required in 14% of cases, including four dogs that underwent enucleation. Ocular injury during grooming appointments can occur via several mechanisms including trauma, exposure to grooming products, or inadvertent strangulation. Small-breed dogs, particularly shih tzu, appear to be at increased risk. Reactive or aggressive behavior likely increases risk of ocular injury. Veterinarians can help limit grooming-associated ocular injuries by recommending behavioral or pharmacological interventions before grooming visits.