Lipoma of the liver has not been reported in dogs. An 8 yr old spayed female Great Dane was referred for diagnostic workup of abdominal distention. Computed tomography showed fat-attenuating masses with negative attenuation values (variable between −60 to −40 Hounsfield units) and minimal contrast uptake within the left cranial abdomen. Left lateral and right medial liver lobectomies were performed to remove two liver masses. Histopathology showed large lipomas arising from within the hepatic parenchyma. Immunohistochemistry for smooth muscle actin was negative, consistent with true lipomas. The dog was euthanized 8 mo later because of causes likely unrelated to the liver lipoma. This is the first case report of lipoma in the liver of a dog. The purpose of this case report and brief literature review is to provide evidence that surgical excision of fat-attenuating masses within the liver that are consistent with lipoma using immunohistochemistry can be curative.

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