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January 2023
ISSN 1062-6050
eISSN 1938-162X
A Multiyear Assessment of the Effect of Sport Participation on the Health of Adolescent Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Timothy McGuine, PhD, ATC; Kevin Biese, PhD, ATC; Scott Hetzel, MS; Allison Schwarz, BS; Claudia Reardon, MD; David R. Bell, PhD, ATC; Alison Brooks, MD; James Dickman, BS; Andrew M. Watson, MD, MS
Descriptive Analysis of Forces Applied by Trained Clinicians During 2-Handed Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Taylor C. Stevenson, BSN; James A. Whitlock, BS; Nickolai Martonick, MS, ATC; Scott W. Cheatham, PhD, DPT, ATC; Ashley Reeves, DAT, ATC; Craig McGowan, PhD; Russell T. Baker, PhD, DAT, ATC
Sex Differences on the Concussion Clinical Profiles Screening in Adolescents With Sport-Related Concussion
Katie Stephenson, PhD; Melissa N. Womble, PhD; Chelsea Frascoia, MS, ATC, LAT; Shawn R. Eagle, PhD, ATC; Tracey Covassin, PhD, ATC; Anthony P. Kontos, PhD; Michael W. Collins, PhD; R.J. Elbin, PhD
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The Running Readiness Scale and Injury in Collegiate Track & Field and Cross Country Athletes
Lace E Luedke, PT, DPT, PhD, CSCS, Elizabeth Reddeman, DPT, Mitchell J. Rauh, PhD, PT, MPH, FACSM
Non-linear interactions of lower limb clinical measures associated with asymptomatic Achilles tendon abnormality in ballet dancers
Bruna M. Tessarin, PT, PhD, Ebonie K. Rio, PT, PhD, Larissa R. Souto, PT, PhD, Guilherme S. Nunes, PT, PhD, Luciana de M. Mendonça, PT, PhD, Fábio V. Serrão, PT, PhD
The Association between the Social Vulnerability Index and Access to California High School Athletic Trainers
Frances Tao, MD,MPH, Charis Turner, MD, Stephanie Kliethermes, PhD, Anthony Luke, MD, MPH, William Berrigan, MD, Nicolas Hatamiya, DO
Supervisor Authority and its Impacts on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Athletic Training
Jean TO, ATC, Young JY, DAT ATC, Edler Nye, JR, PhD ATC, Nye EA, DAT ATC, Eberman LE, PhD ATC
Service Utilization and Value at an Athletic Training Student Run Clinic for University Employees and Students
Cynthia J. Wright, PhD, ATC
Don’t Sleep on Sleep: A Case Report from a Division I Heptathlete
Shawn M.F. Allen, MS, CSCS, Brianna L. Bartaczewicz, MS, LAT, ATC,, Annie E. Molenhouse, Allen L. Redinger, MS, CSCS, Nicholas J. Spokely, MS, CSCS, Olivia K. Anderson, MS, Sloane A. Montgomery, MS, CSCS, Grace E. White, MS, RD, Jason R. Moore, DO, DPT, Jillian M. Joyce, PhD, RD, Breanne S. Baker, PhD, CSCS
Athletic Trainers' Observations of Social Determinants of Health in the Secondary School Setting: A Card Study
Kelsey J. Picha, PhD, ATC, Cailee E. Welch Bacon, PhD, ATC, FNATA, Joy Lewis, DO, PhD, Alison R. Snyder Valier, PhD, ATC, FNATA
Delivering Patient-Centered Care with Respect to Patient Education and Health Literacy in Athletic Training Job Settings
Alicia M. Mitchell, MS, SCAT, ATC, Elizabeth R. Neil, PhD, LAT, ATC, Lindsey E. Eberman, PhD, LAT, ATC, Tara A. Armstrong, DAT, LAT, ATC, Thomas J.P. Greffly, DAT, LAT, ATC, Zachary K. Winkelmann, PhD, ATC, CHSE