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March 2024
ISSN 1062-6050
eISSN 1938-162X
Arm Health in Elite Collegiate Summer League Baseball Players Assessed by the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Score
David F. Painter, BS; Matthew Quinn, MD; James H. Dove, MD; Edward J. Testa, MD; Ryan Snow, BS; Rory A. Byrne, BA; Michele Marie Pavlu, LAT, ATC, CSCS; Rachel Jordan, DAT, LAT, ATC; Brett D. Owens, MD
Postinjury Outcomes After Non–Sport-Related Concussion: A CARE Consortium Study
Patricia R. Roby, PhD, ATC; Anne E. Mozel, MS; Kristy B. Arbogast, PhD; Thomas Buckley, PhD, ATC; Jaclyn B. Caccese, PhD; Sara P. D. Chrisman, MD; James R. Clugston, MD; James T. Eckner, MD, MS; Carrie Esopenko, PhD; Tamerah Hunt, PhD, ATC; Louise A. Kelly, PhD; Jane McDevitt, PhD, ATC; Susan M. Perkins, PhD; Margot Putukian, MD; Adam Susmarski, DO; Steven P. Broglio, PhD, ATC; Paul F. Pasquina, MD; Thomas W. McAllister, MD; Michael McCrea, PhD, ABPP; Christina L. Master, MD; CARE Consortium Investigators
Collegiate Athletes With Diabetes: Baseline Medical Comorbidities and Preseason Concussion Testing Performance
Melissa N. Anderson, PhD; Caitlin A. Gallo, BS; Scott W. Passalugo, BS; Jake M. Nimeh, BS; Richard Edgar, MD; Aaron M. Yengo-Kahn, MD; Kristen Neitz, MS, ATC; Douglas P. Terry, PhD; Scott L. Zuckerman, MD, MPH; Steven P. Broglio, PhD, ATC; Michael McCrea, PhD; Thomas McAllister, MD; Paul Pasquina, MD; Thomas A. Buckley, EdD, ATC; CARE Consortium Investigators
Cold-Water Immersion and Lower Limb Muscle Oxygen Consumption as Measured by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Trained Endurance Athletes
Ben Jones, PhD; Sally Waterworth, PhD; Jamie Tallent, PhD; Mike Rogerson, PhD; Chris Morton, MSc; Jason Moran, PhD; Rob Southall-Edwards, PhD; Chris E. Cooper, PhD; Chris McManus, PhD
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Bridging the Gap: Leveraging Point-Of-Care Data to Improve Mental Health Services for Undergraduate Performing Arts Students
Kyle Schneider, EdD, ATC, David Tomchuk, DAT, ATC, CSCS
Experiences of Athletic Trainers Following the Death of a Student-Athlete by Suicide, Part 2: Institutional and Personal Response
Maegan M. Milliet, MS, LAT, ATC, Elizabeth R. Neil, PhD, LAT, ATC, Toni M. Torres-McGehee, PhD, ATC, FACSM, Ginger Gilmore, DBH, LAT, ATC, Kenya Moore, MS, ATC, Zachary K. Winkelmann, PhD, ATC
Hip Abductors Strength and Endurance in Individuals with Recent and Long-Standing Patellofemoral Pain
J. Van Cant, PT, PhD, W. Serres, PT, M. Farraj, PT, AP. Nguyen, PT, J. Tittley, PT, RV. Briani, PT, PhD, JS. Roy, PT, PhD
Pre- and Post-Surgical Cutaneous Reflexes and Perceived Instability During Gait in an Individual with Chronic Ankle Instability
Annalee M. H. Friedman, PhD, LAT, ATC, Leif P. Madsen, PhD, LAT, ATC
Evidence Gathering and Recommendation Building Procedures for Position Statements: New Methodology
Susan W. Yeargin, PhD, ATC, Samantha E. Scarneo-Miller, Kara N. Radzak, Yuri Hosokawa, PhD, ATC, David M. Bazett-Jones, PhD, ATC, Cailee E. Welch Bacon, PhD, ATC, FNATA, FNAP, Portia B. Resnick, PhD, ATC, BCTMB, Ashley N. Marshall, PhD, Stephen J. Thomas, PhD, ATC, FNATA, FASSET
Delays in Immediate Athletic Training Evaluation Following Concussion Among High School Football Players: A Report from the Athletic Training Practice-Based Research Network
Madison N. Renner, MS, ATC, Kenneth C. Lam, ScD, ATC, Julie M. Stamm, PhD, ATC, Emily C. Srygler, MA, ATC, Stephanie N. Adler, MS, ATC, David R. Bell, PhD, ATC
Ankle supports enhance only psychological aspects of the Ankle-GO score in patients with chronic ankle instability.
Brice Picot, PT, PhD, François Fourchet, PT, PhD, William Laydevant, MD, Camille Louis, PT, Gauthier Rauline, PT, Alain Meyer, MD, Leslie Podlog, PhD, Ronny Lopes, MD, Alexandre Hardy
Adolescent female athletes with menstrual dysfunction report worse sleep and stress than those without menstrual dysfunction
Rachel Meyers, PT, DPT, Madison L. Brna, BS, Catherine Donahue, PhD, ATC, Emily Sweeney, MD, David Howell, PhD, ATC, Aubrey Armento, MD