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About the Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work

The Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work (JBSW) is a refereed journal emphasizing contributions of the baccalaureate community in promoting the continuing development and excellence of baccalaureate social work education and practice. To this end, JBSW facilitates sharing of a wide range of experiences, knowledge, ideas, and research as well as other matters related to this mission. JBSW is committed to nurturing scholarship, contributing to the knowledge base of social work, advocating for professional practice, and developing leadership within the baccalaureate community.

JBSW is published continuously online. Members of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD) receive JBSW as a benefit of membership. Institutional subscriptions are available by contacting [email protected]. Information on becoming a member of BPD can be found on the BPD website.

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