This editorial discusses the indexing systems that include the Journal of Chiropractic Education, reflects on the increased international participation in chiropractic education scholarly meetings and peer review, and acknowledges the editorial board and peer reviewers for the journal.

This has been a productive year for the Journal of Chiropractic Education (JCE). The journal was notified that it is now included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Thomson Reuters. ESCI is part of the core collection of Thomson Reuters' prestigious Web of Science, an online search engine for scholarly works. ESCI indexes high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance in emerging scientific fields. With its inclusion in ESCI, the JCE will continue to be evaluated for impact factor. The JCE is also in the final stages of review for inclusion in Scopus, Elsevier's indexing system that provides additional citation metrics. We anticipate hearing from Scopus by the end of the year and hope to have positive news to share in the next issue of the JCE. To summarize, the JCE is now indexed by PubMed, Thomson Reuters' Emerging Sources Citation Index, the Index to Chiropractic Literature, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, the Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, and MANTIS, and it is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals as well as ReadCube.

It is exciting to witness the continued development of chiropractic training programs internationally. This growth brings with it diversity of participants at academic meetings. One such conference is the World Federation of Chiropractic/Association of Chiropractic Colleges 2016 Education Conference, held in Montreal, which had an outstanding program with representatives from nearly every chiropractic training program worldwide. As an example, the 33-person peer review committee for this conference had representatives from 14 different countries.

The JCE is representative of chiropractic academe and is the only publication that focuses on the mission of training chiropractors. In order to serve the global community in chiropractic education, many people work very hard. I extend a great debt of thanks to Julia Mitchell, our account manager, and her team, who make the journal look great with consistent quality. Thanks are also due to Assistant Editor Julie Nyquist, who ceaselessly scours the education landscape for interesting books to review for faculty members. The volunteer members of the editorial board, listed on the JCE masthead, provide advice to me on a range of matters, and I appreciate the extra dedication that the board members give to the journal.

Finally, the journal would simply not be representative of chiropractic scholars without the peer reviewers. The JCE peer reviewers provide outstanding formative reviews and assure that each published manuscript meets rigorous academic and scientific standards. This year, reviewers hailed from 13 countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iran, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Thank you to the following peer reviewers for the 2015–2016 year who volunteered their time to critique submitted manuscripts: Barclay Bakkum, Jennifer Bolton, Robert Cooperstein, Dustin Derby, Thiana Paula dos Santos Schmidt, Christopher Good, Michael Haneline, John Hart, Ruina He, Sean Herrin, Kelly Holt, Claire Johnson, Martha Kaeser, Stuart Kinsinger, Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Charmaine Korporaal, Alexander Lee, Nadège Lemeunier, Craig Little, Anna Livdans-Forret, Christopher Meseke, Thomas Milus, John Mrozek, Anthony Onorato, Kimberly Paddock-O'Reilly, Per Palmgren, Cynthia Peterson, Kevin Rose, Lisa Rubin, Severiano Cortés Ruiz, Hossein Sabbagh, Greg Snow, Rodger Tepe, Subramanyam Vemulpad, Christopher Yelverton, and Kenneth Young.

With the JCE being open access, included in the most-prestigious indexing systems, and involving participants from nearly every chiropractic training program in the world, it represents the tangible product of scholarly work in chiropractic education. If you are not engaged with the journal as a peer reviewer or author, I invite you to participate in journal activities in the coming year and let your voice be heard.