Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference XXIII
March 17–19, 2016
This call for scientific submissions invites original research that will promote the dissemination and discussion of new information. All 4 items are required for submission and due by Sept 1, 2015:
Blinded submission for peer review (2100 words or less, upload Word file to website)
Abstract for proceedings (195 words maximum, cut paste in abstract field on website)
Authorship form (signed by all authors, email to Peer Review Chair)
Ethics materials (for all studies involving human subjects/case reports, email to Peer Review Chair)
Detailed instructions
- 1.
Blinded submission for peer review - due September 1, 2015
2100 words maximum (may be shorter) for peer reviewers to assess the quality of completed work. References are expected, but not included in word count.
Completed study- Incomplete work is not allowed (eg, an idea for a project that has not begun yet, a project started but no data).
Headings – include headings: Title, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
Blinding - Do not include author names or institutional affiliations anywhere in title or text of blinded file.
Graphs/Tables - Include no more than 2 of any combination in the Word document: diagrams, figures, pictures, graphs or tables (eg, 1 graph and 1 table.) Do not submit separate files, videos, or power point. Do not include websites or links to websites, videos, etc. anywhere in blinded file.
Upload file to the website: One file in Word (.doc), 12-pt font, double-spaced. Do not exceed 2MB.
- 2.
Abstract for proceedings - due September 1, 2015
195 words maximum. The 195 word abstract is for the proceedings only and will be published in the Journal of Chiropractic Education if submission is accepted.
Headings – include subheadings: For research studies, use the subheadings Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. For case reports, use the subheadings Objective, Clinical Features, Intervention and Outcome, Conclusion. No references, pictures, tables, or figures.
You will “copy and paste” abstract into the electronic submission form field on the website.
Do not include title, author information, institutional affiliations, or references in the abstract field.
- 3.
Authorship form for all authors - due September 1, 2015
Corresponding author must collect and submit signed authorship forms for all authors.
Label file name with the submission ID number (eg, 12_Smith) before emailing to [email protected]
Presenting author(s) must register and attend the conference. Funding should be confirmed in advance of submission. Submission is a commitment from authors of accepted submissions to present at the conference.
- 4.
Ethics materials - due September 1, 2015
Studies involving human subjects (surveys, observational, and any research studies) must go through proper Institutional Review Board (IRB)/ Research Ethics Board (REB)/Ethics Committee. State these processes in the blinded submission. Questions should be directed to your IRB/REB/Ethics Committee. Submit a copy of the signed approval, expedited review, or exemption letter from the IRB/Ethics chair. For studies not involving human subjects (eg, literature review), this document is not required.
Case reports require consent forms, unless your institution also requires IRB/REB review. For cases, submit a patient consent to publish form from your institution, a journal, or the other consent form.
Label file name with the submission ID number (eg, 172_Smith_IRB) before emailing to [email protected]
The blinded submission file and abstract for proceedings shall be submitted through this conference submission website. The author form and ethics form shall be emailed to the Peer Review Chair. The corresponding author is responsible for proper submission of all items and all correspondence (please no correspondence from non-authors).
Submissions that do not meet above requirements will be rejected.
Submission Categories: The call for 2016 ACCRAC scientific submissions invites original research that will promote the dissemination and discussion of new information in the following categories:
Research (Basic Science) (eg, experimental trials, quantitative basic science research, etc.)
Research (Educational) (eg, classroom research, quant/qual education/ administration research, etc.)
Research (Clinical) (eg, clinical trials, quant/qual clinical research, cohort studies, etc.)
Research (Case report) (eg, clinical case reports or case series.)
Research (Public Health) (eg, population health studies, preventive care, etc.)
Research (Integration) (eg, research on integration of chiropractic services into hospital settings, etc)
Research (Conference Theme: Best Practices) (best practices in education, research, clinical practice, chiropractic profession, college administration, and/or healthcare, etc)
Conference theme
The theme for 2016 is “Best Practices” however; submissions may be in any of the categories listed above.
Important Information
Presentation of accepted work is expected. Authors must register and attend the conference to present. An author who does not register and present an accepted work will be disqualified from submitting/presenting for the following 2 years. If an author does not register and present an accepted work a second time, the author will be disqualified from submitting/presenting for the following 5 years. If an author does not register and present an accepted work for a third time, the author will be disqualified from submitting/presenting indefinitely.
It is the author's responsibility to find funding to register and attend the conference. We strongly recommend that funding is secured or confirmed in advance of submission. Presenter information and registration for the conference is required by December 15th or the invitation to present will be revoked. Only authors may present at the conference.
If accepted, a 195 word maximum abstract will be printed in the conference proceedings in the Journal of Chiropractic Education. This will allow you to publish your completed paper in any journal you wish.
Due to time and space limitations, and ability to cover poster presentations, a maximum of 2 poster presentations per author/presenter are allowed.
If the submission does not meet the submission requirements (eg, not a completed research study, missing items), it will be rejected without review. The ACC RAC Peer Review Chair will not contact authors if any submission does not meet the requirements. Notification will be sent out as a rejection notice. Concept proposals and incomplete works will be rejected.
It is the responsibility of the primary author to ensure that all requirements are met. The primary author will be the contact person responsible for submission of all required materials and all correspondence. Do not send communications through a third party, staff member, or co-author.
The Peer Review Board may request additional information for any item that is submitted. This may be for internal quality control purposes or to check on materials if a concern is raised.
If the Peer Review Board confirms that there is an inappropriate submission, it will be disqualified. Examples of inappropriate submissions include but are not limited to: one that has been presented previously at this conference, incomplete submissions, concept proposals, duplicate submissions, no human subjects/ethics review when one was necessary (includes expedited review), no signed patient consent form for case reports/series, non-authors listed as authors, plagiarized work, etc.
Only electronic submissions through the conference website will be considered. No faxed, emailed, or mailed submissions will be considered.
All submissions will be evaluated for completeness, strength of contribution to the profession and relevance to the ACC conference. Submissions will be reviewed by the peer review committee based upon the following criteria:
Practical significance, Originality, Theoretical/conceptual framework, Quality of experimental or descriptive design, Discussion/findings/results - clarity of presentation of findings, Conclusions, interpretation of results, implications for chiropractic education, research, or practice, Citation of appropriate literature, Applicability for: the chiropractic profession, classroom use, further research, critical concerns etc, Completed study, and Overall rating of the paper.
Corresponding authors will be notified of peer review results by the end of November 2015. If accepted, an acceptance communication and other information of the presenting author must be returned to the peer review committee. For submissions that are accepted, an author is required to register and present the work at the conference. All accepted presenters must register for the conference no later than December 15, 2015. If you have any questions please contact the ACC RAC Peer Review/Conference Chair: Dr. Claire D. Johnson at [email protected]