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Contact Information

Dr. Bart Green at [email protected]

Postal address
Journal of Chiropractic Education
1507 East Valley Parkway 3-486
Escondido, CA 92027

Journal Scope

The Journal of Chiropractic Education (J Chiropr Educ; ISSN: 1042-5055 and ISSN 2374-250X) is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing research and scholarly articles pertaining to education theory, pedagogy, methodologies, practice, and other content relevant to the health professions academe. Journal contents are of interest to teachers, researchers, clinical educators, administrators, and students. The journal follows industry standard best practices in publication ethics and policy, as described below. Submissions must be original work and not currently under consideration for publication in another peer-reviewed medium, including both paper and electronic formats. The journal does not publish articles containing material that has been reported elsewhere.


The Journal of Chiropractic Education is indexed in PubMed, Emerging Sources Citation Index, CINAHL, MANTIS, AMED, ICL, ReadCube, and Scopus.

Forms to Accompany Manuscript Submissions

1. Authorship Form
The Journal of Chiropractic Education requires authors to assign copyright at the time of submission and to declare any possible conflicts of interest by using the following form. EACH AUTHOR must complete the form and it must be uploaded at the time of submission.

2. Title Page
The Journal of Chiropractic Education requires the use of a specific title page. Do not use a generic title page. Please complete the title page form and upload this with your submission.

3. Consent to Acknowledge
The Journal of Chiropractic Education requires each person being acknowledged to sign the following form. Please upload this form with your submission.

4. Consent for Image
The Journal of Chiropractic Education requires each person shown in a photograph to release permission for that image to be published in the journal by signing the following form. Please upload this form with your submission.


Editorial Policy and Publication Ethics
The Journal of Chiropractic Education adheres to high ethical standards for publication. The journal follows the standards as set forth in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and policies established by the World Association of Medical Editors and the Committee on Publication Ethics. Publication malpractice is managed using a fair and timely process as recommended by the aforementioned organizations, depending on the potential infraction. All policies and processes are described fully in our policy document located below or as a pdf.

Authorship Contribution and Assignment of Copyright
All authors of papers submitted to Journal of Chiropractic Education must have an intellectual stake in the material presented for publication and must be able to answer for the content of the entire work. Authors should be able to certify participation in the work, vouch for its validity, acknowledge reviewing and approving the final version of the paper, acknowledge that the work has not been previously published elsewhere, and be able to produce raw data if requested by the editor. All authors are required to complete and return a Journal of Chiropractic Education authorship form, which is available on the journal web site and also serves as an assignment of copyright form. Forms should be uploaded as a file during manuscript submission. Manuscripts will not be processed until all signatures have been received. Incomplete forms or forms signed with copy and pasted signatures will not be accepted and manuscript processing will be paused until appropriately executed forms are received by the journal office.

As stated in the Uniform Requirements (, credit for authorship requires all of the following: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each author must sign a statement attesting that he or she fulfills the authorship criteria of the Uniform Requirements and is included on the copyright assignment form. Authors are required to designate their level of participation of authorship on the authorship form. A change in authorship after submission must be signed by all authors prior to being considered.

If it is determined that a manuscript has been submitted using ghost authorship, the manuscript will be rejected or retracted, as appropriate. Subsequently, the authors’ institution will be notified and any future submissions to the Journal of Chiropractic Education by any individual of the authorship team will be disallowed.

Upon submission of the authorship/copyright form, it is accepted by all authors that no further dissemination of any part of the material contained in the manuscript is permitted, in any manner, without prior written approval from the editor; nonobservance of this copyright stipulation may result in removal of the submission for publication. Authors from government agencies or institutions who cannot assign copyright must inform the editor upon submission of the manuscript.

Human Subjects
The journal endorses the ICMJE guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki, and all related conditions regarding the experimental use of human subjects and their informed consent will apply. Projects involving human subjects should go through approval or expedited review from an ethics review board/committee or institutional review board before the study is conducted. A statement to this effect should be clearly presented in the Methods section of the manuscript. The editor reserves the right to request from the author(s) the approval/exemption letter from the institution.

Subject Anonymity
It is the authors’ responsibility to maintain appropriate records as well as protect participants’ identity. Ethical and legal considerations require careful attention to the protection of an individual's anonymity in case reports and other publications. Authors should follow federal laws, such as HIPAA and FERPA when creating manuscripts. Identifying information such as names, initials, case numbers, and specific dates must be avoided; identifying information about a patient's personal history and characteristics should be disguised. Photographs or artistic likenesses of subjects are publishable only with their written consent or the consent of legal guardian; the signed consent form, giving any special conditions (ie, eyes blocked off), must accompany the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest exists when an author has financial or personal interests that may influence his or her actions in regard to the authors’ work, manuscript or decisions. Conflicts of interest that exist, or that are perceived to exist, for individual authors in connection with the content of this paper should be disclosed to the editor in the cover letter to the editor and in the authorship form and should be clearly stated in the appropriate section of the manuscript as described below. In recognition that it may be difficult to judge material from authors where proprietary interests are concerned, authors should be ready to answer requests from the editor regarding potential conflicts of interest. Authors also must complete an ICMJE declarations form, which is available on the journal web site. The editor makes the final determination concerning the extent of information released to the public.

Funding Sources
Sources of financial support of the project, such as grants, funding sources, equipment, and supplies, should be clearly stated in the cover letter and in the appropriate section of the manuscript as described below. The role of funding organizations, if any, in the conduct of the study should be described in the Methods section of the manuscript.

Copyright of Journal Contents
Material published in the Journal of Chiropractic Education is covered by copyright. No content published by the journal (either in print or electronic) may be stored or presented on another private site, organization’s site, or displayed or reproduced by any other means, without the express permission of the copyright holder. This applies to the reprinting of the original article in another publication and the use of any illustrations or text to create a new work.

It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to secure all copyright permissions and permission to state names or institutions in the acknowledgements and provide these to the journal’s editorial office. Illustrations or content from other publications (print or electronic) must be submitted with written permission from the publisher (and author if required) and must be acknowledged in the manuscript. All permissions should be faxed or mailed to the journal office.

Redundant or Duplicate Publication
The Journal of Chiropractic Education does not publish articles containing material that has been reported at length elsewhere unless it represents critical policy where wide distribution is critical to implantation. Otherwise, a manuscript should not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere in any form. The manuscript nor its component parts should be subject to copyright or any other rights. The corresponding author must include in the cover letter a statement to the editor about all submissions and previous materials that might be considered to be redundant or duplicate publication of similar work, including if the manuscript includes materials on which the authors have published a previous report or have submitted a related report to another publication. Copies of the related material may be requested by the editor in order to assist with the editorial decision of the paper.

If redundant or duplicate publication is attempted or occurs without proper disclosure to the editor, editorial action will be taken. The journal follows processes recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at If it is confirmed that a paper contains a significant amount of duplicate or redundant material and this is discovered in the prepublication phase, the paper will be rejected, even if an accept notice has been distributed previously to the authors. If duplicate or redundant publication is confirmed after publication, the paper will be retracted and the appropriate boards/institutions notified.

Non-compliance with Author Instructions
Authors who do not comply with the items set forth in these instructions may have the submission returned, rejected, or brought to higher authorities, such as ethics, licensing or institutional boards for review at the editor’s discretion.

Peer Review
The manuscript will initially be assessed by the editor-in-chief for relevance to the journal and overall manuscript quality. Manuscripts that are not deemed a good fit for the journal will be returned to the author(s). Manuscripts in need of further work to enhance the quality of the submission will also be returned to the author(s) with formative feedback. Manuscripts that are within the scope of the journal and of sufficient quality will then be peer-reviewed.

All manuscripts are subject to blind (without author or institutional identification) critical review by two or more peer-reviewers. Typically, a content expert, a methodologist, and a statistical reviewer will be assigned to review each manuscript. The purpose of peer-review is to assist the author in improving the quality of a manuscript and to assist the editor in judging whether to accept a manuscript for publication, ask for revision, or reject the manuscript. Reviewers’ comments will be returned to authors. All reviewers remain anonymous.

Following peer-review, authors will be notified of acceptance of the manuscript, asked to revise the manuscript, or informed that the manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal. Manuscripts that are considered unsuitable are no longer considered to have the copyright assigned to the journal and it is the author’s prerogative to seek publication elsewhere.

All manuscripts accepted for publication are subject to copyediting and revision as may be necessary to ensure clarity, conciseness, correct usage, and conformance to approved style. All papers that are accepted require some editorial revision before publication. Authors will have the opportunity to approve revisions made during the copy editing process during the reviewing of the proofs. Editors will work with authors to arrive at agreement when authors do not find the revisions acceptable, but the journal reserves the right to refrain from publishing a manuscript if discussion with the author fails to reach a solution that satisfies the editors.

The Journal of Chiropractic Education is the official journal of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges and is published by Brighthall in partnership with Allen Press. The statements and views presented in the papers published in the journal represent the opinions of the author(s). Materials published do not necessarily reflect the attitude or official position of its editors, editorial board, or the Association of Chiropractic Colleges.


The Journal of Chiropractic Education welcomes high quality manuscripts that add new knowledge to the field of chiropractic education. The journal strives to bring creative thought to light and considers many research study designs.

  • Quantitative Research - These are experimental and observational studies that use deductive processes to test hypotheses, usually through data analysis (5000 words or less). Examples include, but are not limited to, experiments in educational environments, quasi-experimental work, test item analyses, correlational studies, survey research, quality improvement studies, and descriptions of changes in educational strategies or assessment with measures of change. Research ethics board approval or exemption is required.
    • Structure the manuscript as described in the manuscript organization section of the instructions for authors.
    • Use the appropriate standard reporting guideline for the research design. For example, GREET for evidence-based practice educational interventions, CONSORT-SPI 2018 (intervention trials), STROBE (cross sectional, correlation, and cohort studies), and other appropriate guidelines (found at Equator Network ). For survey reporting, see Bennett et al. Reporting guidelines for survey research: an analysis of published guidance and reporting practices.
  • Qualitative Research - These are reports aimed at understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to social issues using inductive methods with researcher interpretations of emerging themes (5000 words or less). Examples include, but are not limited to, studies of phenomenology, grounded theory, history, and other qualitative, inductive designs. Research ethics board approval or exemption is required.
    • Structure the manuscript as described in the manuscript organization section of the instructions for authors.
    • Use the appropriate standard reporting guideline for the research design. For example, the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) to structure the paper or the COREQ for focus group research ( ).
  • Reviews of the Literature - Synthesis and assessment of current knowledge of a subject in education. Studies must report reproducible methods. Examples include systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other structured reviews. Narrative commentary will not be considered in this category (5000 words or less).
    • Structure the literature review as described in the manuscript organization section of the instructions for authors.
    • Use the appropriate standard reporting guideline for the literature review design. For example, the appropriate PRISMA reporting guideline (see ).
  • Letters to the Editor - Communications that add to, clarify, or discuss a deficiency in a paper recently published in the JCE. Authors of the paper being critiqued will be afforded a counter response. The journal does not publish letters that are criticisms of papers or policies in other journals (500 words or less, 10 references or less, e-only format).


Editorial Policies and Publication Ethics
Before preparing a manuscript for submission, all authors should read and be familiar with the journal’s Editorial Policies, Publication Ethics, and Instructions for Authors available on this page or in print form here .

Cover Letter
The cover letter should explain why the paper should be published in the Journal of Chiropractic Education and the submission is original and not currently under consideration for publication in another peer-reviewed medium. The cover letter should include a statement of intent to submit to the journal. The cover letter may also include any special information regarding the submission that may be helpful in its consideration for publication. Please include information if this is a paper being submitted as part of an awards competition

General Formatting

  • The Journal of Chiropractic Education follows the American Medical Association Manual of Style. Institutions have the AMA Manual of Style.
  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font throughout the paper, including all titles, text, tables and figure legends.
  • Use the ‘normal’ format; do not use other formatting.
  • Align all text to the left.
  • Tables do not need to be double spaced.
  • Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Allow text to wrap naturally in the word processing program. Do not hyphenate words at the end of a line.
  • Use single spaces between sentences.
  • Do not use page breaks.
  • Do not use footnotes.

Title Page

  • Use the title page form specific to the JCE, mentioned above and available on the journal website
  • Do not use a generic title page

Structured Abstract
The structured abstract should be no more than 250 words. Structured abstracts should consist of 4 paragraphs, labeled: Objective, Methods (includes study design and statistical methods), Results, and Conclusion. Letters to the editor should not have an abstract

Key Words
Provide approximately 4-6 key indexing terms that will assist indexers in cross-indexing your article and that may be published with the abstract. These terms should come from the Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) .

Manuscript Organization
The text of quantitative, qualitative, and review of the literature papers should be divided into sections with the following headings: Abstract, Key Indexing Terms, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Funding and Conflicts of Interest, References, Tables, Figure Captions. Longer articles may need subheadings within some sections to clarify or break up content.

Clearly state the purpose of the article. Summarize the rationale for the study or observation. Give only pertinent references and do not review the subject extensively; the introduction should serve only to introduce what was done and why it was done. State the specific purpose, research objective, or hypothesis tested by the study (typically found at the end of the introduction section).

The selection and description of participants, technical information, and statistics used should be reported in this section. Describe the selection of the observational or experimental subjects (patients or experimental animals, including controls). Papers of a specific study design should follow current and relevant guidelines (eg, CONSORT, MOOSE, QUOROM, STARD, TREND, etc.) and include appropriate materials in the text. Identify the methods, apparatus (manufacturer's name and address in parentheses) and procedures in sufficient detail to allow others to reproduce the work for comparison of results. Give references to establish methods, provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but may not be well known, describe new or substantially modified methods and give reasons for using them and evaluate their limitations.

When reporting experiments with human subjects, indicate the procedures used in accordance with the ethical standards of the Committee on Human Experimentation of the institution in which the research was conducted and/or were done in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. Clearly indicate the ethics review board or IRB that approved the study. When reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether the institution's or the National Research Council's guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. Do not use patient names, initials, or hospital numbers or in any manner give information by which the individuals can be identified. The author may be requested to provide the editor documentation from the ethics board and methods used to review the work. If the study is a clinical trial, include the clinical trial registry number in the methods section.

Describe the statistical methods in enough detail that would allow a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the results. Findings should include appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty, such as confidence intervals. All statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols should be defined. Include numbers of observations and the statistical significance of the findings when appropriate. Detailed statistical analyses, mathematical derivations, and the like may sometimes be suitably presented in the form of one or more appendixes.

Present your results in logical sequence within the text, tables, and figures. Do not repeat findings in multiple places (eg, do not include the same data in both text and tables). Emphasize or summarize only important observations, do not discuss findings in this section.

The discussion should emphasize the important aspects of the study and include conclusions that follow from these observations. Do not repeat data presented in the Results section and do not include information or work that is not directly relevant to the study. State new hypotheses when indicated, but clearly label them as such. Statements that are unsupported, that generalize, or that over extrapolate the findings should not be included. Limitations to the study, including bias, should be clearly stated.

Clearly state in one paragraph the major findings of the study or primary point of the essay. The principal conclusions should be directly linked to the goals of the study. Unqualified statements and conclusions not supported by your data should not be included. Recommendations (for further study, etc), when appropriate, may be included, if not already placed in the discussion section.

Acknowledge only those who have made substantive contributions to the study itself; this includes support personnel such as statistical or manuscript review consultants, but not subjects used in the study or clerical staff. Authors are responsible for obtaining the written permission (to be included with the submission) that is required from persons, institutions, or businesses being acknowledged by name because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions.

Funding Sources and Conflicts of Interest
Statements about funding sources and conflicts of interests are stated here. If there were no funding sources or identified conflicts of interest to declare, then this should be clearly stated in this section.

Authors are responsible for accurate reference and citation information. The style should be in accordance with that specified by the American Medical Association Manual of Style.

References should be numbered consecutively when they are first used in the text. Reference citation in the text should be in superscript format and after punctuation (eg, The quick fox jumped over the dog.1). References should be listed in numeric order (not alphabetically) following the text pages. The original citation number assigned to a reference should be reused each time the reference is cited in the text, regardless of its previous position in the text: do not assign it another number. References should not be included in abstracts. References that are only used in tables or figure legends should be numbered in the sequence established by the first use of the table or figure in the text. Only references that provide support for a statement in the text, tables, and/or figures should be used. Do not reference unpublished works, unpublished observations, conversations with other authors, websites, emails, interviews or any other non-published work. Manuscripts that are accepted but not yet published may be included in the references with the designation “in press” where page numbers would be listed otherwise. Excessive use of references should be avoided. Authors are responsible to verify references against the original document and not from reading the abstract alone. Care should be taken to accurately represent the original work and not misconstrue the original meaning of the paper. For the most part, sources of information and reference support for a scholarly paper should be limited to journals (rather than books) because that knowledge is generally considered more recent and more accurate.

Tables should be numbered as they appear in the text (eg, Table 1). Identify statistical measures of variation, such as standard deviation and standard error of mean. If data are used from another source, the author should acknowledge the original source in the text and include the written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material with the submission.

Using Arabic numerals, number each table consecutively (in the order in which they were listed in the text in parentheses) and supply a brief title to appear at the top of the table above a horizontal line; place any necessary explanatory matter in footnotes at the bottom of the table below a horizontal line and identify with letters (eg, a,b,c, etc).

Do not submit tables as photographs. Avoid as much as possible the use of too many tables in relation to length of the text, as this may produce difficulties in layout of the pages. Avoid the use of tables that do not fit in the ‘portrait’ layout. Table contents and number of tables will be subject to editing.

Figures should be numbered as they appear in the text (eg, Fig 1). Illustrations (including lettering, numbering and/or symbols) must be of professional quality and of sufficient size so that when reduced for publication all details will be clearly discernible; rough sketches with freehand or typed lettering are not acceptable. All illustrations (including x-rays) must be sent as at least 300 dpi resolution, in jpg format. Do not place titles or detailed explanations in the illustration; such information should be given in the figure legends. The journal does not publish color figures. Original data for graphs or charts may be requested by the editor if the submitted figure is not clear or of poor quality for printing. Poor preparation of figures is a common source of delay to publication.

Each figure should be saved using the figure number in its file name (eg, Fig1) and sent as a separate file. Do not embed images in the manuscript files and do not send in PowerPoint format. Typically no more than eight figures are acceptable (eg, Fig 1A and Fig 1B are considered two figures).

If photographs of persons are used, the subjects must not be identifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by signed written permission to publish the photographs.

If a figure has been previously published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. Permission is required, regardless of authorship or publisher, except for documents in the public domain. Articles appear in both the print and online versions of the journal, and wording of the letter should specify permission in all forms and media. Failure to get electronic permission rights may result in the images not appearing in the paper.

Figure Legends
Type legends for figures at the end of the text after the tables. Identify each legend with Arabic numerals in the same manner and sequence as they were indicated in the text in parentheses (eg, Figure 1). Do not include legends in images. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend.

Standard spelling and terminology should be used whenever possible. Avoid creating new terms or acronyms for entities that already exist. Technical terms that are used in statistics should not be used as non-technical terms, such as "random" (which implies a randomizing device), "normal," "significant" (which implies statistical significance), and "sample."

Units of Measurement
In most countries the International System of Units (SI) is standard, or is becoming so, and bioscientific journals in general are in the process of requiring the reporting of data in these metric units. However, insofar as this practice is not yet universal, particularly in the United States, it is permissible for the time being to report data in the units in which calculations were originally made, followed by the opposite unit equivalents in parentheses; ie, English units (SI units) or SI units (English units). Nevertheless, researchers and authors considering submission of manuscripts to the journal should begin to adopt SI as their primary system of measurement as quickly as it is feasible.

Abbreviations and Symbols
Use only standard abbreviations for units of measurement, statistical terms, biological references, journal names, etc. Do not use abbreviations in titles and avoid them in abstracts. The full term should precede its abbreviation for the first use in the manuscript, unless it is a standard unit of measurement. For standard abbreviations, consult the following American Medical Association Manual of Style.

The manuscript is to be submitted electronically at the journal’s manuscript tracking website.

Manuscript Submission Checklist
The journal uses a checklist to assess the technical aspects of each submitted paper. Please perform a final assessment of your manuscript using this document to avoid errors that will result in your paper being returned without peer-review, causing delays in processing of the paper.

Editorial Policies, Publication Ethics, and Instructions for Authors updated April 22, 2021.

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