A key element of CPhA’s advocacy efforts includes the direct involvement of our members.
Grassroots advocacy takes many forms, and we provide our members with opportunities to play key roles in our efforts.
In addition to RxAlerts where our members can send direct messages to their members of the Legislature urging their support (or opposition) to key pieces of legislation, we hold an Advocacy Day in Sacramento so CPhA members can hear from key members of the Legislature and then spend the afternoon lobbying their elected officials on issues of importance to pharmacy. Advocacy Day gives pharmacists the opportunity to meet in person with their elected representatives and educate them on issues of importance to the profession of pharmacy.
In addition to advocacy specifically to address legislation, many of our members have hosted legislators in their pharmacies to educate them on the key role pharmacists play as members of the healthcare team, the population for whom you provide care, and how some pharmacy benefits managers are making it increasingly difficult for independent pharmacies to remain open.
Building awareness and educating legislators helps build support for our initiatives. It also serves as a counterweight to the influence of powerful special interest groups. When a legislator is facing pressure from opponents of our key legislation, SB 966 (Wiener) PBM reform specifically, I want legislators to think back to the conversation they had with pharmacists in their communities. It is very powerful.
It is with that in mind, that CPhA has worked with dozens of pharmacists to organize pharmacy tours in key legislative areas. Those tours have given legislators insight into some of the challenges faced by independent pharmacies.
As they say, “all politics are local,” legislators want to hear from their constituents. The importance of legislators to truly understand how policies we are promoting affect their constituents is something that cannot be overstated.
CPhA will continue to provide opportunities for our members to actively engage in our advocacy efforts. Our collective efforts have proven to be very effective.