Zhao, Z. and Lei, Y., 2020. Mechanism analysis of uncovering coal in crosscut and gas outburst based on Flac3D. In: Yang, Y.; Mi, C.; Zhao, L., and Lam, S. (eds.), Global Topics and New Trends in Coastal Research: Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 103, pp. 333–338. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Gas outbursts occur frequently in the process of uncovering coal in crosscut, so it is of great significance to study the outburst conditions of coal and gas in the process of tunneling. By establishing the model of these gas outbursts, we can obtain the function of the thickness of stone gate, gas pressure and gas outburst. With or without high pressure gas, the impact of high pressure gas during gas bursts is analyzed through the numerical simulation method. Based on the velocity, displacement, maximum principal stress and time curve of coal and rock interface in the center of roadway under two kinds of working conditions, the main conditions of gas bursts have been successfully verified. According to the results, in coal and gas outbursts, necessary conditions include the plastic zone penetration caused by high pressure gas storage and excavation disturbance, while sufficient conditions include the mutation of velocity field, displacement field and stress field in plastic zones.