Zhang, H. and Chen, Z., 2020. Design of risk guarantee platform for financial support of port logistics industry. In: Yang, Y.; Mi, C.; Zhao, L., and Lam, S. (eds.), Global Topics and New Trends in Coastal Research: Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 103, pp. 749–752. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

With the rapid growth of China's port economic scale, the demand for financial support of port logistics industry is also increasing. In order to reduce the risk of financial support of port logistics industry, the risk guarantee platform design of financial support of port logistics industry is proposed. Through the design of risk assurance server and risk assurance information trigger, the hardware design of the platform is completed; Based on the establishment of risk guarantee model of financial support in port logistics industry and the design of risk guarantee process of financial support in port logistics industry, the software design of the platform is completed and the risk guarantee of financial support in port logistics industry is realized. The experimental results show that the proposed risk guarantee platform can reduce the risk of financial support in port logistics industry.

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