Zhang, H. and Liu, H., 2020. The data index method of ship operation track in the cloud computing environment. In: Yang, Y.; Mi, C.; Zhao, L., and Lam, S. (eds.), Global Topics and New Trends in Coastal Research: Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 103, pp. 877–881. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

With the establishment of the shore based communication network of the ship automatic identification system, the available data of the ship's running track increases greatly. AIS data has the characteristics of large amount of data and delay of location update, which is easy to cause the problem of time-consuming and wrong retrieval. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a method of ship trajectory data index in cloud computing environment. Based on the cloud computing environment, the index structure of ship dynamic data is established to solve the storage problem of ship position and speed in the index structure. The index algorithm of ship running track data is used to realize the distance retrieval of ship dynamic data.

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