Qin, F.; Kuang, C.Y., and Jiang, Y., 2020. Multiple-clue sensory information fusion model of fashion silhouette perception in coastal city. In: Guido Aldana, P.A. and Kantamaneni, K. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources, Coastal Management, and Marine Science Technology. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 104, pp. 891–895. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Sensory perception about clothing, such as color, silhouette and texture, comes from the fusion, interpretation and analysis of sensory information. Therefore, research on clothing design that focuses on human perception must begin with consumers' perception about clothing. After analysis of available perceptual design theories and research progress, we find that few studies have been made on the fusion of sensory information. This paper takes references from the theory of the fusion of multiple-clue sensory information and performs a SD experiment to investigate observers' perceptual changes and the fusion of visual clues in coastal city. Visual clues are usually generated by information sources. The paper starts from clothing silhouette and adopts silhouette elements that are able to affect perception as information sources. Finally, the paper puts forward a psychological model on the fusion of multiple-clue sensory information based on clothing silhouette perception and establishes a mathematical model. It will provide practical methods for researchers on clothing sensory perception to integrate color, texture and other aspects of sensory information.