Tide and Tidal Power. Roger H. Charlier and Charles W. Finkl, 2009. New York: Springer Verlag, 262 p. ISBN: 978-3- 540-77931-5: Illustrated., index, bibliography, eight foreign languages summaries. Hardcover, EUR 249.00, USD 375.00.

China, Canada, Japan, Korea, Great Britain, and others are examining or re-examining tapping the energy of the tides as well as harnessing tidal current (the tidal stream). Although tidal power would not suffice to quench the insatiable thirst for kilowatts of most nations, it could contribute to reduce the need for significant amounts of fossil fuel. As a corollary, it would cut down the quantity of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, alter the rate of climate change and, ipso facto, the rise of sea level, and perhaps slow down the melting of glaciers and icebergs and the engulfing of some island nations.

The least that can be said of the book by Charlier and Finkl is...

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