Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus passed away peacefully on February 3, 2011, while at his home with his wife Kinu. With Nick's passing, the coastal engineering community has lost a great researcher, inspiring teacher, unbelievably energetic mentor, colleague, and friend. Many of us may know Nick from Coastal Sediments, Coastal Dynamics, and International Coastal Engineering Conferences; Nick cochaired or served on organizing committees for these conferences for many years and was a Shore & Beach editor from 1988–2003. If you ever worked with Nick, you know that he always kept his BlackBerry within easy reach and rarely took more than five minutes to answer an email, day or night. Nick was driven to learn and to publish his work, and for those of us who worked closely with him, he instilled in us several rules to work by that are discussed here in his honor.

Nick began his coastal engineering career...

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