Li, L.; Shi, P.; Du, X., and Jiao, H., 2017. Using numerical simulation to determine the seismic response of coastal underground structures in saturated soil deposits.

This paper discusses numerical simulation of seismic response of underground structures in saturated soil deposits. A fully fluid–solid coupling model is developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of saturated soils during an earthquake and is implemented into the commercial software ABAQUS with a user-defined element. The model is then applied to simulate seismic response of a structure buried in a saturated soil deposit. The effect of burial depth on the dynamic response of the underground structure is explored. The numerical simulations show that the user-defined element developed in this paper is capable of simulating the dynamic response of the underground structure in a saturated soil deposit. With the increase of burial depth, stress in the underground structure is transferred from the exterior walls, top slab, and bottom slab of the structure to its interior columns. The stress in the deeply buried underground structure varies more significantly than that in the shallowly buried structure during earthquake excitation.

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