In this book, Michelle Portman took on a huge challenge: to write comprehensibly and intelligibly about the vastly complex topic of Planning for Oceans and Coasts. In my view, she did a great job. Here's why:

This book constitutes, first and foremost, a hands-on manual with practical suggestions on how to achieve an integrated view to the planning of oceans and coasts and how to overturn the traditional mindset and administrative divide that considers the oceans on one side and coasts on the other. The book is directly intended for practitioners, with a particular focus on planners, recognizing and addressing the huge challenges they face today: the specificities of planning for a three-dimensional, dynamic, and ever changing environment, of which we know very little, and increasingly imbalanced as a result of human activities and their consequences, such as climate change.

She addresses the main/key aspects necessary for a comprehensive view...

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